God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Giving cheerfully, sacrificially, and consistently is a part of our worship. When we are generous with others, we remind one another of the great generosity of our God. If you would like to make a one-time gift or set up recurring automatic giving online please follow the link below. Thank you for your generosity.
LAND Building Project
We recently completed our first building at the LAND Project. We partnered with the local people and a team of volunteers from North Carolina to help dig and lay the foundations, and put up the walls and roof on the first building that can house 20 students and 6-8 Leaders. In 2021, our goal is to build the kitchen block and finish the restroom blocks. Thanks to your contributions, we were able to make it to this critical stage - we can now use the property for the leadership development of our youth. We were able to document the adventure!
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